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/* $VER: OptConf V1.0 (25.10.96) Shaun Downend. * <shaund@amiganut.demon.co.uk> * Optimise a conference in a BBS. * */ /* Optional configuration items */ repackxpk = 1 /* during optimisation XPK packed conferences are unpacked. * set this to 1 to repack, or 0 to not repack. */ super2keep = 0 /* During optimisation the superunread flag only gets preserved as * an unread flag. The option allows you to mark the message as keep as well. */ /* End configuration */ scriptver = subword(sourceline(1), 4,1) scriptinfo = 'OptConf.thor 'scriptver' © Shaun Downend' /*!~ "Bit numbers for message flags" */ MDB_READ = 0 /* Message is read. */ MDB_REPLIED = 1 /* Message is replied. */ MDB_PRIVATE = 2 /* Message is private. */ MDB_TO_USER = 3 /* Message is to the user. */ MDB_FROM_USER = 4 /* Message is from the user. */ MDB_DELETED = 5 /* Message is deleted. */ MDB_UNRECOVERABLE = 6 /* Message is can not be undeleted. */ MDB_KEEP = 7 /* Keep message. Message will not be deleted during conference packing. */ MDB_TO_ALL = 8 /* Message is to all. (has no reciever) */ MDB_XPK_TEXT = 9 /* Message text is Xpk'ed. (Private flag) */ MDB_MARKED = 10 /* Message is marked. */ MDB_URGENT = 11 /* Message is urgent. */ MDB_IMPORTANT = 12 /* Message is important. */ MDB_SUPERMARKED = 13 /* Message will not be unmarked as long as this flag is set. */ CDF_NOT_ON_BBS = '00008000'x /* This conference is not on the bbs. */ CDB_NO_XPK_METHOD = 13 /* Don't use any xpk method. */ /*~!*/ options results options failat 31 signal on syntax signal on halt signal on break_c signal on failure /*!~ "Open Thor and BBSREAD ARexx ports" */ p=' '||address()||' '||show('P',,) if pos(' THOR.',p)>0 then thorport=word(substr(p,pos(' THOR.',p)+1),1) else do say ('Thor has to be running to use this script!') exit(0) end if ~show('p', 'BBSREAD') then do address command 'run >nil: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead' 'WaitForPort BBSREAD' if rc ~= 0 then call errmsg('Couldn''t open BBSRead''s ARexx port.') end address(thorport) 'VERSION STEM 'version fullver = subword(version.THOR, 1, 1) version.thorver = substr(fullver, 1, index(fullver, '.') - 1) version.thorrev = compress(substr(fullver, index(fullver, '.') + 1), 'ß') thorversion = version.thorver || '.' || version.thorrev if thorversion < 2.4 then call errmsg('You need at least Thor 2.4 to run this script!') /*~!*/ /*!~ "Get list of conference(s) to optimise" */ address(thorport) 'currentsystem' CURRENT if(rc = 1) then call errmsg('CURRENTSYSTEM failed: No current system') if(rc = 30) then call errmsg('CURRENTSYSTEM failed: 'THOR.LASTERROR) address BBSREAD 'getconflist bbsname "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'" stem' CONFLIST if(rc = 5) then call errmsg('GETCONFLIST failed: BBS not found') if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('GETCONFLIST failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) 'requestlist instem' CONFLIST 'outstem' SELECTED 'multiselect dragselect title "Select conference(s) to optimise:"' if(rc = 5) then exit if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('REQUESTLIST failed: 'THOR.LASTERROR) 'lockgui' address(BBSREAD) drop CONFDATA. ptotal = 0 longest = 0 /* Work out information for progress indicator */ do i = 1 to SELECTED.COUNT 'getconfdata bbsname "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'" confname' '"'SELECTED.i'" stem' CONFDATA if(rc = 7) then call errmsg('GETCONFDATA failed: Conference not found') if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('GETCONFDATA failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) /* find the longest conference name to fix width of progress indicator */ if length(SELECTED.i) > longest then longest = length(SELECTED.i) /* find out if the conference is xpk packed, if so then this requires another step */ if CONFDATA.XPKMETHOD ~= '' & ~bittst(CONFDATA.FLAGS,CDB_NO_XPK_METHOD) then xpk = 10000 else xpk = 0 /* total of progress indicator is xpk + create conf (10000) + copy msgs (10000) * + pack conf (10000) + delete msgs (10000) + delete conf (10000). * 10000 is used (a large value) to reduce inaccuracies on division later on. */ ptotal = ptotal + xpk + 60000 end longest = length('Copying messages in ') + longest + length('to ') + longest + length('.temp') /* open and fix progress indicator width */ call oprog(scriptinfo,ptotal,center('...Starting OptConf.thor...Initialising script...',longest,' ')) pcurrent = 0 'bufmode copyback' /* Turn on copyback mode */ /*~!*/ /*!~ "Main loop" */ do n = 1 to SELECTED.COUNT conference = SELECTED.n tempconf = conference'.temp' call getmsginfo(conference) /* get msg numbers for selected conference */ xpkpack = 0 /* is conference xpk packed? */ if CONFDATA.XPKMETHOD ~= '' & ~bittst(CONFDATA.FLAGS,CDB_NO_XPK_METHOD) then xpkpack = 1 call uprog(window,pcurrent,'Creating temporary conference 'tempconf'...') pcurrent = pcurrent + 10000 /* create temporary conference */ 'configconf "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'tempconf'" set' c2x(CDF_NOT_ON_BBS) if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('CONFIGCONF failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) call copyconf(conference,tempconf) /* copy msgs from orig conf to temp conf */ /*!~ "Delete messages in original conference" */ call uprog(window,pcurrent,'Deleting messages in 'conference) pstart = pcurrent if (CONFDATA.LASTMSG - CONFDATA.FIRSTMSG) ~= 0 then /* is conference empty? */ do pinc = 10000 % (CONFDATA.LASTMSG - CONFDATA.FIRSTMSG) do i= CONFDATA.FIRSTMSG to CONFDATA.LASTMSG drop OLDMSGDATA. if (pcurrent // 10 = 0) then call uprog(window,pcurrent) pcurrent = pcurrent + pinc 'readbrmessage "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'conference'"' i 'datastem' OLDMSGDATA if(rc ~= 0) then call bbsreaderr if ~bittst(OLDMSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_DELETED) then /* is message already deleted? */ do 'updatebrmessage "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'conference'"' i 'setdeleted' if(rc ~= 0) then call bbsreaderr end end pcurrent = pstart + 10000 /* adjust to fix any inaccuracies in previous division :-) */ end else /* conference is empty so skip */ do pinc = pstart + 10000 call uprog(window,pcurrent) end /*~!*/ /*!~ "Pack original conference" */ call uprog(window,pcurrent,'Clearing 'conference'...') pcurrent = pcurrent + 10000 'packdatafile "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'" confname' '"'conference'"' if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('PACKDATAFILE failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) /*~!*/ call getmsginfo(tempconf) /* get msg numbers for temp conf */ call copyconf(tempconf,conference) /* copy msgs from temp conf to orig conf */ /*!~ "Delete temporary conference" */ call uprog(window,pcurrent,'Deleting 'tempconf'...') pcurrent = pcurrent + 10000 'configconf "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'tempconf'" deleteconf' if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('CONFIGCONF failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) /*~!*/ /*!~ "Repack XPK packed conference" */ if repackxpk = 1 then do if xpkpack = 1 then do /* If conference was xpk-packed then pack it */ call uprog(window,pcurrent,'XPK Packing 'conference'...') pcurrent = pcurrent + 10000 address(BBSREAD) 'packdatafile "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'" confname' '"'conference'"' if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('PACKDATAFILE failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) end end /*~!*/ end call uprog(window,pcurrent,'Complete.') do i = 1 to 600 end pcurrent = pcurrent + 10000 /*!~ "Notify completion, update conf window, cleanup" */ address(thorport) 'updateconfwindow' 'unlockgui' address(bbsread) 'bufmode endcopyback' call cprog(window) address(thorport) 'requestnotify "OptConf.thor complete!"' '" _OK "' if(rc = 30) then say THOR.LASTERROR exit /*~!*/ /*~!*/ /*!~ "Copy all messages from one conference to another conference " */ copyconf: parse arg fromconf,toconf call uprog(window,pcurrent,'Copying messages in 'fromconf 'to 'toconf) pstart = pcurrent if (CONFDATA.LASTMSG - CONFDATA.FIRSTMSG) ~= 0 then /* is conference empty? */ do pinc = 10000 % (CONFDATA.LASTMSG - CONFDATA.FIRSTMSG) do i= CONFDATA.FIRSTMSG to CONFDATA.LASTMSG drop MSGTAGS. drop MSGDATA. if (pcurrent // 10 = 0) then call uprog(window,pcurrent) pcurrent = pcurrent + pinc 'readbrmessage "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'fromconf'"' i 'headstem' MSGTAGS 'textstem' MSGTAGS 'datastem' MSGDATA if(rc ~= 0) then call bbsreaderr if ~bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_DELETED) | ~bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_UNRECOVERABLE) then do exargs = '' if ~bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_MARKED) then exargs = exargs || ' DONTMARKMESSAGE' if bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_PRIVATE) then exargs = exargs || ' PRIVATE' if bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_READ) then exargs = exargs || ' READ' if bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_URGENT) then exargs = exargs || ' URGENT' if bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_IMPORTANT) then exargs = exargs || ' IMPORTANT' 'writebrmessage "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'toconf'" stem' MSGTAGS exargs if(rc ~= 0) then call bbsreaderr msgnr = result exargs = '' if bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_KEEP) then exargs = exargs || ' SETKEEP' if super2keep = 1 then do if bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_SUPERMARKED) & ~bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_KEEP) then exargs = exargs || ' SETKEEP' end if bittst(MSGDATA.FLAGS,MDB_REPLIED) then exargs = exargs || ' SETREPLIED' if MSGDATA.HAZELEVEL ~= 0 then exargs = exargs || ' HAZELEVEL ' || MSGDATA.HAZELEVEL if exargs ~= '' then 'updatebrmessage "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'toconf'"' msgnr exargs if(rc ~= 0) then call bbsreaderr end /* else say 'Message deleted or unrecoverable' */ end pcurrent = pstart + 10000 /* adjust for any inaccuracies in previous division :-) */ end else /* conference is empty so skip it */ do pinc = pstart + 10000 call uprog(window,pcurrent) end return /*~!*/ /*!~ "Get message numbers for a conference" */ getmsginfo: parse arg conf drop CONFDATA. 'getconfdata bbsname "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'" confname' '"'conf'" stem' CONFDATA if(rc = 7) then call errmsg('GETCONFDATA failed: Conference not found') if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg('GETCONFDATA failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) return /*~!*/ /*!~ "Progress indication" */ /*!~ "Open progress indicator" */ oprog: parse arg ptitle,ptotal,ptxt address(thorport) 'openprogress title "'ptitle'" total' ptotal 'pt "'ptxt'"' if(rc ~= 0) then call errmsg(THOR.LASTERROR,10) else window = result return /*~!*/ /*!~ "Update progress indicator" */ uprog: parse arg pwindow,pcurrent,ptxt /* say 'current 'pcurrent */ if ptxt = '' then ptxt = '' else ptxt = 'pt ' || '"'ptxt'"' address(thorport) 'updateprogress req' pwindow 'current' pcurrent ptxt if(rc~=0) then signal cleanup return(0) /*~!*/ /*!~ "Close Progress indicator" */ cprog: parse arg pwindow address(thorport) 'closeprogress req' pwindow return /*~!*/ /*~!*/ /*!~ "Error handling" */ break_c: call errmsg('User break!') error: halt: failure: if rc ~= 0 then call errmsg('+++ Line 'sigl' returned 'rc': 'errortext(rc)) cleanup: address(bbsread) 'bufmode endcopyback' if window ~= 'WINDOW' then call cprog(window) address(thorport) 'unlockgui' exit(0) errmsg: parse arg msgtxt address(thorport) 'requestnotify "'msgtxt'"' '" _OK "' if(rc = 30) then say THOR.LASTERROR signal cleanup return bbsreaderr: address(bbsread) 'configconf "'CURRENT.BBSNAME'"' '"'tempconf'" deleteconf' if(rc ~= 0) then do address(thorport) 'requestnotify "CONFIGCONF failed: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR'\nFailed to delete temporary conference."' '" _OK "' end address(thorport) 'requestnotify "BBSRead Error: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR'\nThere appears to be a problem with the database.\nPlease repair the database before running this script."' '" _OK "' signal cleanup return /*~!*/